" The extraordinary project was completed by students from the international support classes of the BKE together with students from the Faculty of Gebäudelehre at RWTH Aachen University. 
 They not only planned the wooden structure together, they also built it. In this way pupils and students could get to know each other better, create a work that is at least unparalleled in the Indestadt and of which those responsible can be proud, said headmaster Thomas Gurdon. 
 “School is more than just lessons. What you have created in the last few months is much more concrete than much of what we normally do in class, ”said Gurdon. 
The aim of the project: Bringing people together - true to the motto “learning together”. "And we succeeded," said Gurdon.Not only the school principal was impressed by the result, but also the graduate engineer Anna Weber, who works as a research assistant at the RWTH. “It was an exciting and beautiful process,” she summed up. "
Source: Eschweiler Zeitung from 3rd May 2017
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